B1/B2 Placement Test

Think you are ready for the B2 English level? The B1/B2 Placement test consists of 50 questions worth one point each which can help you determine your if you are ready to move to the next level or need to review a few more points. Please note though that this is just a guide to help you.

Please take this test without consulting any outside materials in order to get the most accurate results possible.

After the test, you will see your score and English level.

After you finish, you can also use this test to help improve the grammar points that you are having difficulty with.


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1. My parents are ____ to the USA.
2. If you want to do well on the exam, you ____ study.
3. She ___ her driving exam because she ran a red light.
4. We  ____ when they called.
5. ____ did you arrive?
6. I will ___ go out tonight, but I am not sure.
7. I ____ run every day.
8. I have an appointment  ____ Tuesday.
9. I ____ to work hard, if I wanted good grades.
10. I have worked at the same job ____ 2010.