In English, you can use both “used to” and “would” for expressing past habits to emphasize that they are not true anymore.[1]
Because they are used to talk about habits, it is slightly different than the past simple tense or the past continuous tense.

You can use the word “would” to talk about repeated actions in the past. A repeated action is an action that happens at a specific moment in time in the past.
You can use “would” for:
- Moral formal situations
- Events that happen many times
Examples include:
- I would practice the piano every day.
- She would hide every time I tried to find her.
- They would have loud parties every Friday evening.
Used to
You can use the words “used to” to talk about states in the past. A state is a condition that happens over a period of time in the past.
You can use “used to” for:
- Questions
- Negatives
- Stative verbs
Examples include:
- We used to live in Paris when I was younger.
- He didn’t use to be shorter than me.
- Did she use to go to school with us?
Expressing Past Habits Practice Exercises
Choose the correct the correct form between “would” and “used to” for expressing past habits.