Numbers in English
It is important to learn English numbers, such as for dates. Once you know the basics, it is quite easy to say any number in English!

Telephone Numbers in English

In English, we usually say phone number rather than telephone number.[1]
In addition, in England they usually say Mobile phone while in the United States they say Cell phone.
In English, we say each number separately in a phone number.
For example:
(721) 985-1234 = seven two one nine eight five one two three four
Saying 0 in a phone number
If there is a 0 (zero) in a phone number, there are two ways to say it in English.
- It is quite common to say “oh” instead of “zero”
(203) 105-2090 = two oh three one oh five two oh nine oh
- You can also say “zero”
(203) 105-2090 = two zero three one zero five two zero nine zero
How to ask for a phone number

What is your phone number?
It is + phone number.