In English, the passive causative is used for services.[1]
It is a mix of the causative-verbs and passive voice. The easiest way to understand it is by looking at each part separately and then combining the two.

Passive Voice
In English there are two voices, active and passive.
The active voice is when the subject does the action. This is the easiest to understand and generally used in spoken speech.[2]
The passive voice is when the subject receives the action. This can be a bit more difficult to understand; however, it is commonly used in technology, science, textbooks, and reports.
If you would like to learn more about the passive voice check out this article!
Causative Verbs
A causative verb is when we talk about an action that someone else did for us.
In other words, we “caused” the action to happen. This could be through persuasion or even paying a person.[3]
The common causative verbs are:
- have
- let
- make
Passive Causative
The easiest way to understand the this is through taking the same sentence and transforming to each of the 3 grammar forms.
For example:
Passive: The test was taken by the student.
Causative: The teacher had the student take the test.
Passive/Causative: The teacher had the test taken by the student.