The past continuous tense is used to describe actions in the past and continue for a period in the past.[1]

Past Continuous Tense Usage
Parallel Actions in the Past
You can use the past continuous to describe parallel actions happening in the past.
For example:
- While I was working out, I received a phone call.
- While they were cleaning the bathroom, I was cleaning the kitchen.
- While Susie was studying, Frank was watching TV.
Describe what someone was doing in the past
You can use the past continuous verb tense to describe what someone was doing at a particular time in the past.
For example:
- They were working in the office yesterday.
- We were studying for the final exam all weekend.
- Elizabeth was eating dinner last night at 7pm.
Interrupted Actions in the Past
You can use the past continuous verb conjugation to talk about interrupted actions in the past.
For example:
- I was driving when I received the bad news.
- I was working on the project when they told me it was canceled.
- We were eating dinner when the phone rang.
Repetition in the Past
You can use the past continuous to talk about repetitions and irritations in the past.
For example:
- They were always talking in class.
- We were always complaining to the teacher.
- I was always forgetting to do my homework.
Example Exercises
Use the words to write a sentence in the past continuous tense.