The present simple tense in English is the first and most basic tense in English.
We have already gone over the present simple tense for the verbs “to be” and “to have”.
The general rule for the simple present tense is:

When do we use the simple present tense?
So when do we use the simple present tense in English?
#1. Repeated Actions

The simple present is used in English to talk about repeated or usual actions including: scheduled events, hobbies, and habits.[1]
For example:
- I play football.
- You do not play basketball.
- Does he play soccer?
- She runs every day at 7:30 AM.
- It leaves at 5:30 PM.
- We do not swim in the pool.
- They live next door.
#2. Facts & Generalizations

The simple present is also used to state facts that are true in the past, now, and in the future. It doesn’t matter if the fact is true or not. In addition, it can be used to state generalizations.
For example:
- I love chocolate ice cream.
- You do not like vegetables.
- Dogs like meat.
- Fish like water.
#3. Scheduled Event in the Near Future

You can also use the simple present tense to talk about events in the near future, such as when taking public transport.
For example:
- The plane departs at 8:30 PM for Tokyo.
- When does class start?
- When does the train leave?
#4. Now

The simple present tense can also be used to talk about events happening now. However, you must use it with non-continuous verbs and some mixed verbs.
Note: Non-continuous verbs are verbs that describe things that you can’t see. They include abstract actions, possession, and emotion.[2]
For example:
I own this building.
She envies you.
The box contains a lot of gold.
We need your help.
They seem nice.
The idea only exists in our minds.
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