Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency describe how much we do an activity.[1]

Adverbs of Indefinite Frequency

adverbs of frequency

Adverbs of indefinite frequency help describe how much we do something but doesn’t define the exact amount of time.

  • I always work out in the morning.
  • I usually drink coffee in the morning.
  • She normally eats with us.
  • I generally do well in school.
  • I often eat at this restaurant.
  • I frequently visit my parents.
  • I sometimes read books.
  • I occasionally go to the beach.
  • I seldom eat vegetables.
  • I hardly ever drive.
  • I rarely fly on planes.
  • I never lie to my friends.

Adverb Position

There are two main positions for adverbs in a sentence.

Subject + adverb + verb

For example:

  • I always fasten my seatbelt in the car.
  • I sometimes sing while cleaning the house.
  • She hardly visits me.

Subject + be + adverb

For example:

  • She is never happy.
  • They are always on time.
  • He is sometimes funny.

At the beginning of a sentence

There are some adverbs of frequency that you can use at the beginning of a sentence with a comma.

For example:

  • Occasionally, I go to the park.
  • Normally, I don’t study for exams.

However, you can’t use the following adverbs of frequency at the beginning of a sentence:

  • Always
  • Ever
  • Hardly
  • Never
  • Rarely
  • Seldom

Adverbs of Definite Frequency

Adverbs of definite frequency allow us to be more specific when talking about frequency.


Number + Times + a + Time Period

For example:

  • Once a day
  • Twice a day
  • Three times a day
  • Four times a day
  • Five times a week
  • Six times a month
  • Seven times a year

Time Period

For example:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Annually


Every + Number + Time Period

For example:

  • Every two days
  • Every three days
  • Every four days
  • Every five weeks
  • Every six months
  • Every seven years

Every + Time Period

  • Every day
  • Every week
  • Every month
  • Every year
  • Every decade

Practice Exercises


Question 1 of 5

1. I am never sad. I am ______ happy.

Question 1 of 5

Question 2 of 5

2. I ______ get up early in the morning because I like to wake up early.

Question 2 of 5

Question 3 of 5

3. He rarely fails exams. He ______ gets good grades.

Question 3 of 5

Question 4 of 5

4. I always brush my teeth. I ______ forget to do it.

Question 4 of 5

Question 5 of 5

5. I only was late to work once this year. I am ______ late.

Question 5 of 5


Modal Verbs: can/can’t/could/couldn’t/would/wouldn’t

Modal verbs are helping verbs that express obligation, permission, possibility, and ability.[1]


“Can” is used in many different situations.


Subject + can + base verb


Subject + can’t + base verb


Can + subject + base verb

When do you use it?


  • I can run very fast.
  • She can speak French
  • They can visit us.


  • We can’t eat that food.
  • He can’t call us.
  • It can’t be done.

Ask for Permission

  • Can you help me with my homework?
  • Can they come with us?
  • Can we get ice cream?

Give Permission

  • You can eat some dessert.
  • They can come to our house.
  • She can borrow our car.


In the present tense, the modal verb “could” is used to:

Ask for Permission

Could + subject + base verb (this is a polite way to ask for permission)

  • Could I talk to her?
  • Could I have their number?
  • Could I have an appointment?

Give a Suggestion

 Subject + could + base verb

  • You could fly tomorrow.
  • You could ask the manager.
  • You could take the tour of the park tomorrow.

Would Like/Wouldn’t Like

The modal of “would like” is used to show if someone is interested in something (object).


Subject + would like + object


Subject + wouldn’t like + object


Would + subject + like + object

Would Like To/Wouldn’t Like To

The modal of “would like to” shows if someone is interested in doing something (action).


Subject + would like + to + infinitive


  • I would like to swim right now.
  • She would like to eat lunch.
  • They would like to visit us next summer.


Subject + wouldn’t like + to + infinitive


  • I wouldn’t like to go there by myself.
  • John wouldn’t like to meet you.
  • We wouldn’t like to eat vegetables.


Would + subject + like to + infinitive?

  • Would you like to come with me?
  • Would they like to eat dinner with us?
  • Would she like to talk?

Practice Exercises

Please go to Modal Verbs: can/can’t/could/couldn’t/would/wouldn’t to view this quiz



Imperatives in English are used to do several things and seen in several places including:

  • Give orders
    • Don’t do that!
    • Stop talking immediately!
  • On signs
    • Stop
    • Push
    • Pull
    • Turn left.
  • Make an invitation
    • Sit with us.
    • Come eat with us.
  • Give instructions
    • Turn to page 20.
    • Take your medicine when you feel sick.
  • Give warnings
    • Be careful.
    • Don’t sit down on the bench. It has wet paint.
  • Give advice
    • Relax.
    • Think about it.
    • Work hard if you want to succeed.

Positive Conjugation

In English, the conjugation for the imperative is just the base verb (in simple present tense).[1]

For example, for the verb “to run”, we can say, “Run 20 laps right now!”

A few addition examples:

  • Close the door.
  • Clean your room.
  • Take your medicine.
  • Come in and sit down.

Negative Conjugation

In English, the negative conjugation for the imperative is:

Do not (don’t) + base verb

You can use the negative imperative to tell someone not to do something, such as when something is against the rules.

For example:

  • Don’t drive above the speed limit.
  • Stop at the red light.
  • Don’t smoke in the building.
  • Do not open the door.

Giving Instructions

As stated earlier, you can use the imperative to give instructions.

For example:

Set the oven to 200 F and cook the chicken for 30 minutes.

However, there are times when you might find yourself wanting to give instructions for something that requires multiple steps. In these cases, you can use sequential words such as

  • First, Second, Third…
  • Then
  • Next
  • After that
  • Finally

For example, the instructions for cooking pasta might be as follows:

First, boil some water.

Then, place the pasta in the boiling water.

Next, let the water boil for 10 minutes.

After that, pour out the pasta and water into a colander.

Finally, mix marinara sauce with the pasta.

Simple Present

The present simple tense in English is the first and most basic tense in English.

We have already gone over the present simple tense for the verbs “to be” and “to have”.


The general rule for the simple present tense is:

simple present

When do we use the simple present tense?

So when do we use the simple present tense in English?

#1. Repeated Actions

simple present

The simple present is used in English to talk about repeated or usual actions including: scheduled events, hobbies, and habits.[1]

For example:

  • I play football.
  • You do not play basketball.
  • Does he play soccer?
  • She runs every day at 7:30 AM.
  • It leaves at 5:30 PM.
  • We do not swim in the pool.
  • They live next door.

#2. Facts & Generalizations

present simple verbs

The simple present is also used to state facts that are true in the past, now, and in the future. It doesn’t matter if the fact is true or not. In addition, it can be used to state generalizations.

For example:

  • I love chocolate ice cream.
  • You do not like vegetables.
  • Dogs like meat.
  • Fish like water.

#3. Scheduled Event in the Near Future

present simple

You can also use the simple present tense to talk about events in the near future, such as when taking public transport.

For example:

  • The plane departs at 8:30 PM for Tokyo.
  • When does class start?
  • When does the train leave?

#4. Now

present simple tense

The simple present tense can also be used to talk about events happening now. However, you must use it with non-continuous verbs and some mixed verbs.

Note: Non-continuous verbs are verbs that describe things that you can’t see. They include abstract actions, possession, and emotion.[2]

For example:

I own this building.

She envies you.

The box contains a lot of gold.

We need your help.

They seem nice.

The idea only exists in our minds.

Practice Exercises

Please go to Simple Present to view this quiz

The verb “to go”

The verb “to go” shows movement in English. We use the affirmative present tense of “to go” to show that we are moving at the moment.[1] After, the verb “to have”, it is the third most important verb in English.

to go


You can use the affirmative of “to go” to show movement right now or habitual movement.

In English, you use the following form: “to go” + to + location

  • I go to work at 7:30 AM.
  • You go to the supermarket on Tuesdays.
  • He goes to the pool on Sundays.
  • She goes to the park with her dogs.
  • It goes to the bathroom.
  • We go to the supermarket on Fridays.
  • They go to work at 9:00 AM.


You can use the negative of “to go” to show lack of movement right now or lack of habitual movement.

In English, you use the following form: do not/does not “to go” + to + location

  • I do not go to work at 7:30 AM.
  • You do not go to the supermarket on Tuesdays.
  • He does not go to the pool on Sundays.
  • She does not go to the park with her dogs.
  • It does not go to the bathroom.
  • We do not go to the supermarket on Fridays.
  • They do not go to work at 9:00 AM.


You can use the question form of “to go” to ask someone about their movement right now or their habitual movement.

  • Do I go to work at 7:30 AM?
  • Do you go to the supermarket on Tuesdays?
  • Does he go to the pool on Sundays?
  • Does she go to the park with her dogs?
  • Does it go to the bathroom?
  • Do we go to the supermarket on Fridays?
  • Do they go to work at 9:00 AM?

Example Conversation

A: Hi John! How are you?

B: Hi Susie! I am good. How are you?

A: I am good too! I have a question for you. Do you go to work at 7:00 AM?

B: Yes, I go to work at 7:00 AM.

A: Can I go to work with you?

B: No, you can’t go to work with me.

A: Ok. No problem. Bye.

B: Bye.

Additional Notes: Can + go = asking for permission to go somewhere. For example, when you ask “can I go to the park”, you are asking for permission to go to the park.

Practice Exercises

Please go to The verb “to go” to view this quiz

The verb “to have”

The verb “to have” shows possession in English. We use the affirmative present tense to show that we possess something at the moment.[1] After, the verb “to be”, it is the second most important verb in English.

to have


You can use the affirmative of “to have” to show that you possess something right now.

  • I have a dog.
  • You have a cat.
  • He has a parrot.
  • She has two dogs.
  • It has a fever.
  • We have a big pool.
  • They have a nice car.


You can use the negative of “to have” to show that you don’t possess something right now.

  • I do not have a dog.
  • You do not have a cat.
  • He does not have a parrot.
  • She does not have two dogs.
  • It does not have a fever.
  • We do not have a big pool.
  • They do not have a nice car.


You can use the question form of to ask someone if they possess something right now.

  • Do I have a dog?
  • Do you have a cat?
  • Does he have a parrot?
  • Does she have two dogs?
  • Does it have a fever?
  • Do we have a big pool?
  • Do they have a nice car?

Example Conversation

A: Hi John! How are you?

B: Hi Susie! I am good. How are you?

A: I am good too! I have a question for you. Do you have a dog?

B: Yes, I have a dog.

A: Is it a male or female?

B: It is a female.

A: Does she have puppies?

B: Yes, she has 3 puppies.

A: Can I have one?

B: Yes, you can have one.

A: Thanks!

B: You are welcome!

Additional Notes: Can + have = asking for permission to possess something. For example, when you ask “can I have a dog”, you are asking for permission to possess the dog.

Practice Exercises

Please go to The verb “to have” to view this quiz

There is vs There are

In English, “there is” and “there are” are used to talk about things that exist. It uses the verb “to be” with the word “there”. However, what is the difference between there is vs there are?

there is vs there are

There is vs There are

“There is” is used for singular countable and uncountable nouns.

Singular Countable Nouns

Countable nouns are individual places, people, and objects which can be counted. Don’t forget to use a/an + noun.[1]

  • There is a dog in the kitchen.
  • There is a letter on the desk.
  • There is a car parked in front of the office.

Singular Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns are information, concepts, and materials which cannot be broken down into individual objects to be counted.

  • There is milk in the refrigerator.
  • There is cheese on the plate.
  • There is water in the pool.

Plural Nouns

“There are” is used for plural nouns.

For example:

  • There are three cars in the garage.
  • There are 20 children in the class.
  • There are 50 states in the USA.


We can also use the word “some” with singular uncountable nouns and plural nouns.

Singular Uncountable Nouns

  • There is some chocolate on the table. (This means that we don’t know how much chocolate there is exactly)
  • There is some money in the bank. (We don’t know how much money is in the bank)

Plural Nouns

  • There are some cars in the parking lot. (We don’t know how many cars are in the parking lot)
  • There are some t-shirts in the drawer. (We don’t know how many t-shirts are in the drawer)

Contractions for There is vs There are

“There is” becomes “there’s” when it is a contraction.

For example:

  • There’s milk in the refrigerator.
  • Do you think that there’s a letter on the desk.
  • There’s a car parked in front of the office.

However, you don’t contract “there are” (there’re)


There are two ways to form a negative with “there is” and “there are”.

Add the word not

  • There is not (isn’t) a dog in the house. (singular countable noun)
  • There is not (isn’t) a cat in the house. (singular countable noun)

Add the word no

  • There is no dog in the house. (singular countable noun)
  • There is no cat in the house. (singular countable noun)
  • There are no kids in the classroom. (plural noun)


We can also use the word “any” with negative uncountable singular nouns and plural nouns when we are using the word “aren’t”.

For example:

There is not any milk in the refrigerator. (uncountable noun)

There aren’t any kids in the classroom. (plural noun)


To form a question, change the word order from Subject-verb to verb-subject.

For example:

  • There is (singular noun) = Is there a + singular noun?

Is there a dog in the house?

  • There is some (uncountable noun) = Is there any + uncountable noun?

Is there any milk in the refrigerator?

  • There are (plural noun) = Are there any + plural noun?

Are there any cars in the parking lot?

Short Response to Questions

Instead of answering in a complete sentence, you can answer with a short response when the context is understood.

For example:


Yes, there is.

No, there is not.


Yes, there are.

No, there are not.

Practice Exercises

Please go to There is vs There are to view this quiz

Prepositions of Place

In English, prepositions of place help tell the position of an object in relation to other things.

prepositions of place


Definition: inside[1]


  • I am in the car.
  • She is in school.
  • The toys are in the box.


Definition: an object is above something else and touching it.


  • The food is on the table.
  • The check is on your desk.
  • The dog is sitting on the couch.


Definition: an object is lower than another object while being covered by it.


  • I am under the covers.
  • The car is under the snow.
  • My shoes are under the bed.


Definition: an object is higher than another object but not directly over it.


  • There are clouds above our heads.
  • The birds are flying above us.
  • The plane was flying above us.


Definition: an object is lower than another object.


  • The planes flew below the clouds.
  • I was below him in rank.

In front of

Definition: further in front of something/someone else.


  • She was in front of me in the line.
  • I was talking to the person in front of me.
  • He parked the car in front of the store.


Definition: an object at the back of another object.


  • I parked my car behind the store.
  • Please stay behind me.
  • She hid behind her friend.


Definition: an object in the space between two other objects.


  • I had to sit between two large people on the plane.
  • I live between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
  • I parked my car between the two stores.


Definition: an object is in the middle of a group of other objects.


  • I placed my pencil among my other things.
  • I am among a group of people.

Next to

Definition: an object is not far away from another object.


  • I live next to the store.
  • Please sit next to me.
  • The movie theater is next to the restaurant.


Definition: an object is not far away from another object.


  • I live near the high school.
  • She lives near the ocean.

Far from

Definition: an object is not close to another object.


  • I live far from the store.
  • The dog is far from the house.

Practice Exercises

Answer True or False for each question about the picture below.

prepositions of place
Please go to Prepositions of Place to view this quiz

Comparatives and Superlatives

We use comparatives and superlatives to describe things.[1]British Council – Comparative and superlative adjectives

  • Comparatives are used to describe two objects.
  • Superlatives are used to describe three or more objects.

Adjective Vocabulary

  • Fast – quick, rapid
  • Slow – not moving fast
  • Nice – friendly
  • Strange – unusual
  • Big – large
  • Hot – high in temperature
  • Happy – full of joy
  • Crazy – insane
  • Famous – well known
  • Beautiful – very attractive
  • Good – better than average
  • Bad – evil[2]

How to Form Comparatives and Superlatives

The general rules are:

  • Add –er for comparatives
  • Add –est for superlatives
comparatives and superlatives

1 Syllable Words

For one syllable words we add –er for comparatives.

For example:

  • She is faster than me. (fast)
  • He is slower than her. (slow)

It is important to add the word than after a comparative.

For one syllable words we add –est for superlatives.

For example:

  • She is the fastest runner in the school. (fast)
  • He is the slowest runner in the school. (slow)

It is important to add the word the before a superlative.

1 Syllable Words Ending in –e

For one syllable words ending –e, we add “r” for comparatives.

For example:

  • They are nicer than us. (nice)
  • He is stranger than me. (strange)

For one syllable words ending in –e, we add “st” for the superlative.

For example:

  • She is the nicest person in my class. (nice)
  • They are the strangest people in our neighborhood. (strange)

1 Syllable Words (Consonant + Vowel + Consonant)

For one syllable words that end in consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the last consonant and add “er” for comparatives.

For example:

  • He is bigger than me. (big)
  • It is hotter today than yesterday. (hot)

For one syllable words that end in consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the last consonant and add “est” for superlatives.

For example:

  • She is the biggest basketball player on her team. (big)
  • Today is the hottest day in the year. (hot)

2 Syllable Words ending in –y

For 2 syllable words ending in –y, we delete the “y” and add “ier” for comparatives.

For example:

  • She is happier than you. (happy)
  • We are crazier than them. (crazy)

For 2 syllable words ending in –y, we delete the “y” and add “iest” for superlatives.

For example:

  • They are the happiest people in the world. (happy)
  • They are the craziest people in the world. (crazy)

2 or More Syllable Words

For words that are 2 or more syllables long, we add more + adjective for comparatives.

For example:

  • I am more famous than you. (famous)
  • I am more beautiful than her. (beautiful)

For words that are 2 or more syllables lone, we add most + adjective for superlatives.

For example:

  • She is the most famous writer in the world. (famous)
  • She is the most beautiful woman in the world. (beautiful)


There are some words that are exceptions and don’t follow the above rules.

For example:


I am better than you.

I am the best in the world.


I am worse than you.

I am the worst in the world.

Practice Exercises

Please go to Comparatives and Superlatives to view this quiz

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns represent a thing or things. It is often used with the verb “to be“.

demonstrative pronouns


  • Demonstrative pronouns have to identify nouns. In addition, it can take the place of a noun. For example, “Look at this.” We don’t know what “this” is but it represents a physical object.
  • This usually describes things, places, animals, and people.
  • Demonstrative pronouns are not the same as demonstrative adjectives. While the words are the same, demonstrative adjectives must qualify a noun, while demonstrative nouns can stand alone.


  • This is my house.
  • That is my car.
  • These are your exams.
  • Those are big apple.
  • What is this?
  • What is that?
  • What are these?
  • What are those?

Practice Exercises

Please go to Demonstrative Pronouns to view this quiz