How Questions

You can use the word “how” to ask questions in English. These are called “how questions”.[1]

Similar to “Wh-“ questions, you can ask:

How + modal verb

For example:

  • How can you sing so well?
  • How can you know so many languages?
  • How can I get there?

How + verb (any tense)

  • How did she do that?
  • How are we going to get there?
  • How is it outside?

However, there are 4 specific cases where you only use “how” to ask questions.

how questions


“How” can be used with adjectives.

How + adjective

For example:

  • How old are you?
  • How hot is it outside?
  • How difficult is the test?


“How” can be used with adverbs.

How + adverb

For example:

  • How quickly can you run?
  • How well can she cook?
  • How often do you work out?

Plural Countable Noun

How questions can be used with plural countable nouns.

How + many + plural countable noun

For example:

  • How many dogs do you have?
  • How many people are in the school?
  • How many things did she buy?

Uncountable Noun

“How” can be used with uncountable nouns.

How + much + uncountable noun

For example:

  • How much time do we have left?
  • How much water is in the bucket?
  • How much English do I need to know?