Introducing Yourself By Email

Look at the following exercises about writing an email to help improve your writing skills when introducing yourself by email.


Match the punctuation with the correct symbols.

  1. exclamation point
  2. period
  3. question mark
  4. comma
  5. capital letter

a. H b. ? c. ! d. , e. .

1. c 2. e 3. b 4. d 5. a

Writing an Email

introducing yourself by email

Tips for Writing[1]

introducing yourself by email

True or False

Select true or false for each statement.

  1. Bob is 12 years old.
  2. Bob is from the USA.
  3. Bob can speak Spanish.
  4. Bob can speak 3 languages.
  5. Bob likes basketball.
  6. Bob has a dog named Spot.
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True. 6. True


Write the correct punctuation in the blanks.

  1. Hi ___ How are you ___
  2. ___y name is Joe___
  3. I speak French ___ English ___ and Spanish ___
  4. Do you want to be my friend ___
1. !/? 2. M/. 3. ,/,/. 4. ?


Write to a pen pal introducing yourself by email. Make sure to use the correct punctuation.

If this is too difficult to understand, check out the A1 grammar points to help out!