Understanding Parallel Structure: A Key to Clear and Effective Writing

Parallel Structure

Parallel structure, also known as parallelism, is a fundamental aspect of English grammar that enhances the clarity, balance, and rhythm of your writing. By ensuring that elements in a sentence are grammatically similar, parallel structure makes your writing more readable and engaging. This article will explore the concept of parallel structure, its importance, common mistakes, and tips for mastering it.

What is Parallel Structure?

This structure refers to using the same pattern of words or grammatical forms within a sentence to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. This can occur at the word, phrase, or clause level. Consistency in the form of these elements makes sentences easier to follow and understand.


  • Words: She enjoys reading, writing, and painting.
  • Phrases: The job requires attention to detail, the ability to multitask, and excellent communication skills.
  • Clauses: He likes to swim in the ocean, to hike in the mountains, and to cycle in the park.

Importance of Parallel Structure

  1. Clarity: Parallel structure makes sentences clearer by creating a predictable pattern. This helps readers understand the relationship between ideas.
  2. Emphasis: It highlights the equal importance of multiple ideas or actions.
  3. Flow: Parallelism enhances the rhythm and flow of sentences, making them more enjoyable to read.
  4. Persuasion: In persuasive writing, parallel structure can make arguments more compelling by emphasizing key points.

Common Mistakes with Parallel Structure

  1. Mixing Forms: Combining different grammatical forms in a list or series can confuse readers.
    • Incorrect: She likes hiking, to swim, and biking.
    • Correct: She likes hiking, swimming, and biking.
  2. Inconsistent Verb Tense: Switching verb tenses within a sentence disrupts the parallel structure.
    • Incorrect: He wanted to learn, to grow, and achieving success.
    • Correct: He wanted to learn, to grow, and to achieve success.
  3. Unequal Clauses: Using clauses of different lengths or structures can break the parallelism.
    • Incorrect: She said that she would arrive early and she will bring snacks.
    • Correct: She said that she would arrive early and that she would bring snacks.

Tips for Mastering Parallel Structure

  1. Identify Parallel Elements: Look for lists, comparisons, and series within your sentences. Ensure that each element follows the same grammatical form.
  2. Use Coordinating Conjunctions: Words like “and,” “or,” and “but” often connect parallel elements. Check that the elements on either side of these conjunctions match in form.
  3. Practice with Examples: Rewrite sentences that lack parallel structure. Practice identifying and correcting errors in sample sentences.
  4. Read Aloud: Reading your sentences aloud can help you hear whether they have a smooth, balanced rhythm.
  5. Review and Revise: During editing, specifically check for parallelism. Make revisions to ensure consistency and clarity.

Examples of Correcting Parallel Structure

  1. Incorrect: The coach told the players they should get plenty of sleep, not eat too much, and to do some warm-up exercises.
    • Correct: The coach told the players they should get plenty of sleep, not eat too much, and do some warm-up exercises.
  2. Incorrect: The project demands attention to detail, being patient, and dedication.
    • Correct: The project demands attention to detail, patience, and dedication.
  3. Incorrect: She wants not only to travel but also starting her own business.
    • Correct: She wants not only to travel but also to start her own business.

Parallel Structure in Professional Writing

In professional writing, this structure is essential for conveying information clearly and effectively. Whether you are writing a business report, a persuasive essay, or a resume, maintaining parallelism can enhance the readability and professionalism of your work.

Examples in Professional Contexts:

  • Resume: Responsible for managing projects, coordinating teams, and developing strategies.
  • Business Report: The goals of the project are to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Persuasive Essay: To address climate change, we need to reduce emissions, invest in renewable energy, and promote sustainable practices.


Parallel structure is a powerful tool in writing that enhances clarity, readability, and impact. By ensuring that similar elements within a sentence are grammatically consistent, you can create a smooth, coherent flow that engages and informs your readers. Practice identifying and correcting parallelism in your writing, and you’ll soon see the benefits in your communication skills.