Phrases with Get

Get is one of the most common verbs in English. Phrases with get can mean many different things depending on the context.[1][2]

phrases with get

Phrases with Get


Get an e-mail

I didn’t get your e-mail.

Get a present

I got a lot of presents for Christmas.

Get grades

She got good grades in High School.

Get a phone call

Did you get my phone call?

Buy or Obtain

Get a job

I have to get a job this summer to earn some money.

Get shoes

Go get your shoes so we can go on a run.

Get [something]

What did you get at the store?

Get + Adjective

Get angry

He gets angry very easily.

Get tired

I got very tired yesterday when I was working out.

Get dark

It is going to get dark soon.

Get + Comparative

Get better

The weather is getting better.

Get worse

I think my illness is getting worse.

Get more expensive

Gas is only getting more expensive.

Get + Preposition (Phrasal Verb)

Get up

I get up at 6:30 am every morning.

Get along with

I am a friendly person. I can get along with anyone.

Get out

Sorry, I am not free at that time. I don’t get out of work until 7 pm.

Get + A Place

These phrases with get mean to arrive somewhere.

For example:

Get home

I get home at 6pm every day.

Get there

When will you get there?