Building Words with Suffixes

Suffixes are similar to prefixes. However, they are different in that you add them to the end of a word in order to give it a different meaning.[1]

The Most Common English Suffixes

The 4 most common English suffixes are: -ate, -en, -(i)fy, and -ise.[2]


This suffix means cause to be.

For example:

  • differentiate
  • duplicate
  • fabricate
  • liquidate
  • pollinate


This suffix means cause to be.

For example:

  • awaken
  • fasten
  • moisten
  • shorten


This suffix means cause to be.

For example:

  • classify
  • exemplify
  • justify
  • simplify


This suffix means cause to be.

For example:

  • characterise
  • specialise
  • stabilise
  • symbolise
  • visualise

Some Common Suffixes

There are a lost of suffixes in English.

Below are some of the most common. If you memorize these suffixes, it can help you identify and understand words that you might have never seen before.

-ablecapable of beingedible
-acystate or qualityprivacy
-alact or process ofrefusal
-alpertaining to regional
-ancestate or quality ofmaintenance
-domplace or state of beingfreedom
-esquereminiscent of picturesque
-fulnotable forfanciful
-icpertaining tomusical
-ifymake or becometerrify
-iouscharacterized bynutritious
-ishhaving the quality ofchildish
-ismdoctrine, beliefcommunism
-istone whochemist
-ityquality ofinactivity
-ivehave the nature of creative
-mentcondition ofargument
-nessstate of beingheaviness
-shipposition heldownership
-sionstate of beingconcession
-ycharacterized bysleazy