In English, conditionals help us describe something that might have or might happen. In order to use the zero and 1st conditionals we need to know what verb tenses to use.[1]

Zero Conditional
The zero conditional is used to talk about general truths and habits.[2]
If + present simple verb + present simple verb
For example:
- If it rains, I use an umbrella.
- If I drink a beer, I don’t drive a vehicle.
- If we study, we do well in school.
Word Order
You can also put the main clause at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, you don’t use a comma.
For example:
- I use an umbrella if it rains.
- I don’t drive a vehicle if I drink a beer.
- We do well in school if we study.
You can also use the word “when” in the place of “if” without changing the meaning of the sentence.
For example:
- When it rains, I use an umbrella.
- When I drink a beer, I don’t drive a vehicle.
- When we study, we do well in school.
1st Conditional
The first conditional is used to talk about possible things in the future.
If + present simple verb + will + infinitive
For example:
- If we practice, we will get better.
- If it doesn’t rain, I will go to the park.
- If they don’t call back, I will call them.
You can also use the word “unless” to replace the negative form.
For example:
- If it doesn’t rain, I will go to the park. → I will go to the park unless it rains.
Difference between the zero and 1st conditionals
As you can see, the zero and first conditionals are quite similar.
The biggest difference is that the zero conditional is used for general truths while the 1st conditional is used for specific situations.
Practice Exercises
Determine is the following sentences are either the zero or 1st conditional.